Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This was also a school assignment, we were asked to use a template and make it our own. 

by Me

             The memories of childhood have no order, and so I remember our endless hours in our kingdom surrounded by trees and mountains and enormous rocks. The leaves of every shape and color, bugs of every size and texture. The aroma of thousands of flowers filled the air, and I was surrounded by the sounds of the great outdoors, the innocence of childhood. The greenest of grasses underneath my feet, and the sky above my head, a vibrant blue. Leaping and soaring, laughing and roaring - making mud pies and forts, taking part in activities of all sorts. Until the moment we dread occurs, it's time to go inside for the night. We drag our feet, mourning each step. Once inside we run into my room and turn on a movie- The Land Before Time.

            “Quick. Pretend to be asleep so you can spend the night!”

            “Okay, but don't you dare fall asleep and leave me by myself in the dark with the dinosaurs.”
            “I won't, I've stayed up till ten once.”

            “I've stayed up till midnight before.”

            “Yeah, well I've stayed up for 1,000 days!”

Trading our secrets and stories, our Pokemon cards, and our dreams, as soon as we have convinced our parents for a sleep over.

            My room comes alive when we hear that it is a go. The lights expose the full contents of my room; a blanket of dust on the book shelf that holds our childhood memories, stuffed animals surrounding us from every direction, and a large cold glass window that is our drawing board. We're free of worries, dreaming as if anything was possible.
            “Look over there; you see that stuffed animal, the one in the corner?”
            “You mean the orange cat?”
            “Yep, one day I'm going to be a cat. Only I may decide to be a different color. Maybe I'll be a red cat, or a blue one. ”

            I stroll out of my room, my tail swishing against everything in sight. I’m taking in fragrances I wasn't aware of before, sensing new textures, and realizing that I will never have a quiet moment again with these ears of mine. Deciding then to descend to the floor, taking in the moment, knowing all I'll have to worry about is eating, sleeping, and playing. 
            And then I start to stir, not wanting to awake, but I realize I have to. For I am not a cat, I cannot just sleep, eat, and play; I can't stay outside all day or sit around making up stories and sharing my dreams. It is time to fulfill them. It is time to abandon my room, the shelter I had once known; and it is time to give up my throne to the kingdom. It’s time to move on, into an abyss of the unknown.  

            The memories of childhood have no order, and no end.         


This may seem a bit odd and out of the ordinary... however this is the obituary I wrote for myself.
Having said this, it was just an assignment in a death and dying course- not a cry for help.

a natural ending to a life long journey, has sprouted.
A small town Freedom originator, an eternal traveler,
has met the stage in life where her perspective forever known
gets turned upside down, and inside out.
The stage where her physical state gets set ablaze and created into a precious diamond,
while her spiritual state is released to discover the next stage of life,
consisting of a completely different physical state.
It is wished that mourning be not,
rather the acceptance of the unavoidable, natural ending,
and the respect of remembrance be kept.
It is asked that those close to her gain strength rather than suffer,
and to acknowledge that she physically and spiritually
will forever be present.
And it is demanded that those whom she loved
not give up on their dreams,
rather to dream by night and fulfill them by day.

What they learn in school- Jerome Stern

Absolutely love this poem... So glad I was exposed to this piece of work by one of the few amazing teachers I was privileged to be taught by. 
What they learn in school
Jerome stern

In the schools now, they want them to know all about
marijuana, crack, heroin, and amphetamines,
Because then they won't be interested in marijuana,
crack, heroin, and amphetamines,
But they don't want to tell them anything about sex
because if the schools tell them about sex, then they
will be interested in sex,
But if the schools don't tell them anything about sex,
Then they will have high morals, and no one will get
pregnant, and everything will be all right,
And they do want them to know a lot about computers so
they will out compete the Japanese,
But they don't want them to know anything about real
science because then they will lose their faith and
become secular humanists,
And they do want them to know all about this great land
of ours so they will be patriotic,
But they don't want them to learn about the tragedy and
pain in its real history because then they will be
critical about this great land of ours and we will be
passively taken over by a foreign power,
And they want them to learn how to think for themselves
so they can get good jobs and be successful,
But they don't want them to have books that confront
them with real ideas because that will confuse their
And they'd like them to be good parents,
But they can't teach them about families because that
takes them back to how you get to be a family,
And they want to warn them about how not to get AIDS,
But that would mean telling them how not to get AIDS,
And they'd like them to know the Constitution,
But they don't like some of those amendments except
when they are invoked by the people they agree with,
And they'd like them to vote,
But they don't want them to discuss current events
because it might be controversial and upset them and
make them want to take drugs, which they already
have told them all about,
And they want to teach them the importance of morality,
But they also want them to learn that Winning is not
everything - it is the Only Thing,
And they want them to be well-read,
But they don't want them to read Chaucer or Shakespeare
or Aristophanes or Mark Twain or Ernest Hemingway
or John Steinbeck, because that will corrupt them,
And they don't want them to know anything about art
because that will make them weird,
But they do want them to learn about music so they can
march in the band,
And they mainly want to teach them not to question, not
to challenge, not to imagine, but to be obedient and
behave well so that they can hold them forever as
children to their bosom as the second millennium
lurches towards its panicky close.